Indigo Spring Risk Assessment
13. July. 2020

1. Track and Trace data to be compiled and kept for 21 days:
Name, contact Number, date and time of arrival and departure.
Who they had contact with.

2. Premises:
Onsite social distancing: Clients to be collected from their cars in car park. They will be brought in the side gate to minimise transmission to other householders.
Therapist to open and close doors and gates.
Remain at 2m for consultation outdoors or by phone prior to appointment
Arrival and departure times staggered with 30 minutes cleaning time between appointments.
Clients to only enter massage room and toilet.

3. Cleaning:
Deep clean premises prior to reopen.
Removal of unnecessary fabrics in rooms
Hot washes of towels and sheets between uses
Cleaning of therapy room and toilet between each client.

4. Hand-washing and Changing:
Client and therapist to both wash hands for minimum 20 seconds before and after treatments
Individual towels provided for drying.
Clothes to be placed on chair during treatment.
Chair disinfected between clients

5. Protecting clients and therapist on site.
Therapist and client will wear masks where possible
Therapist to wear a disposable apron.
Ask clients screening questions before appointment
(continuous cough, high temperature, loss of taste or smell)